- GCSE English Literature
- Interest in Shakespeare
- Detailed explanations for all quotations
- Essay plans
- Characters
- Written in quick-to-read note form - bullet points
- Ability to leave any questions/comments/queries on the page - where the tutor will try their best to help you out :)
Target audiences
- Students who find it challenging to get Grade 8/9 in GCSE English Literature
- IGCSE/GCSE students
This course is a compilation of detailed GCSE notes for themes, stage directions, figurative language, and quotes AND detailed explanations and analysis for every important quote. They have been a combination of lesson material, tutors guidance, several websites, PDFs and other documents – to ensure that they help you succeed in your exam. Bytes of Intelligence is the place where you want to go to when revising for your Macbeth assessments.
You have the ability to ask any questions in the comment box beneath every page, and one of our tutors will try their best to help you out.

NOTE: no copyright infringement intended; notes are meant to help students succeed in their exams. Any questions, please contact us.
Instructions to purchase
- Go to the Menu bar on the website and click on “Login”
- Click on “REGISTER” and create an account which you will use to login to the website every time you want to access the Course.
- Go to the Shop and click on this course once again
- Click on “Buy Now” to purchase the course. Complete the payment via PayPal.
- Purchase complete!
- Enter your username and password*
- Go the Menu Bar and click on “My Profile”
- Click on the Symbol with the open book, and click on the course you have just purchased
- You will now be able to access the full course and find all the lessons on the left-hand side, and then Complete the lessons at your own pace over the year.
*Once you buy this course, you will have a login to open this course and work through this. Our request is that you do NOT share this login with anyone but yourself. Our website has checks in place to detect this, and if found, unfortunately, your access to this course will be terminated. Thank you for your understanding.
Main Themes
Figurative Language in Macbeth
Alternative Interpretations
These alternative Interpretations are essential in a Grade 9 essay, because it shows that you are looking at the various angles to the question, and not just the obvious perspective (although it is definitely worth going into detail in this standard view, using many short, snappy quotations to back up your answer)